Rose Golden Luxury

February 08, 2017

The Zoeva brushes would have to be my all time favorite makeup brushes. They are super soft, amazing quality and affordable.

The Rose Golden Luxury set is absolutely stunning. It comes with all the makeup brushes you would need for a nice everyday makeup look and it doesn't hurt that it looks beautiful as well. The set includes some of my favorite brushes in my collection, the powder brush, the silk finish brush for foundation, the luxe sheer cheek for blush, and the winged eyeliner brush.

Even if rose gold isn't your thing, I highly recommend giving the other Zoeva brushes a try. They do amazing vegan brushes (although sadly, not all are in this set!) and just look gorgeous sitting out on my desk. Before finding this brand, I never knew where to get high quality brushes that are also affordable!

The set:
106 Powder
102 Silk Finish
110 Face Shape
127 Luxe Sheer Cheek
142 Concealer Buffer
227 Luxe Soft Definer
231 Luxe Petit Crease
317 Wing Liner

+ a cute little makeup bag


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